How To Install Environment Flutter On Linux

How To  Install Environment Flutter On Linux

when install suitable development environment this is the first step in starting to develop flutter application on operating  system .

in this article we will give you a few steps  to install flutter environment on linux.

1- Installation Requirement

  • linux operating system installed.
  • At least 1.6 GB free dist space .
  • Android studio installed .
  • Visual studio code (optional).

2- Install Flutter

there are  many way to download flutter  on linux, I will  show you different ways , and you choose the one that works for you.

* Install Flutter Using Snapd  

if you do not have the snapd  you have to  install it
open the terminal and run he following command.

sudo snap install flutter --classic


3-Extract The Downloaded File

unzip the file you download into your user folder.

Export a flutter Bin using the following command 
expor PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin" but this shooting is temporary and will not work if you close the terminal yet you must add to your  environmental variable file.

*Add Flutter Bin Path To .bashrc

first open file for .bashrc on the terminal,and using the command below ,he will open the bashrc file for you .
 Run the command  sudo gedit .bashrc 
sudo gedit .bashrc

and copy the flutter bin path and past in the  bashrc file,
and save  bashrc file.

save  flutter bin path on bashrc file.


4-Run Flutter Doctor

you can run flutter doctor to see if there are any dependence that need to be download to complete the stupe .

run flutter doctor


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